Laura’s Story

“I cannot really remember when exactly these stains started to appear on my teeth. But even the most careful brushing would not remove them. It reached a point where I no longer felt confident enough to smile properly, because I had the feeling that people were looking at me. Then my dentists told me about Icon. The treatment itself was relatively quick and didn’t hurt at all. And then when I looked in the mirror at the dental practice, I just thought: wow! That was worth it!”

Discolorations on tooth surfaces?

There can be different reasons for this. The reason for unsightly stains (“white spots”) forming on the teeth is often the onset of caries. The dental disease fluorosis can impact on the appearance of teeth too.

The good news: There is a simple, gentle treatment option.

Infiltration treatment with Icon

  • Esthetic result
  • For white spots and fluorosis
  • Quick, easy and pain-free

Challenges in the dental practice

Many causes – few remedies

Onset caries leads to white spots

So-called “white spots” like this on the tooth surfaces often appear after the removal of permanent braces. For a long time there was no real satisfactory treatment option for this.

Not every stain comes as a result of caries

Fluorosis or enamel developmental defects can cause discoloration too. How do you provide treatment for this in a way that is efficient and comfortable for the patient?

Traditional methods: often not suitable

Elaborate aesthetic treatment methods, such as veneers, are not only time-consuming and cost-intensive, they also always come at the expense of healthy tooth substance.
Bleaching alone will often not achieve a lasting result. In many cases, however, combining bleaching and subsequent infiltration treatment with Icon can provide a very convincing aesthetic result.

See also under FAQ.

The gentle answer to white spots

Infiltration treatment with Icon

1) Onset of caries before treatment

Before treatment: Caries, fluorosis or enamel developmental defects have caused discoloration.

2) Treatment with Icon

After being prepared with an etching gel, ‘Icon infiltrant’ liquid resin is applied, which penetrates into the porous tooth tissue where it cures under light.

3) After treatment

The porous tissue is filled with the infiltrant. Because this reflects the light similar to how the natural tooth enamel would, the treated area matches the healthy tooth visually.