Icon and the caries infiltration method are the subject of a number of international studies, the findings of which have been very positive so far.
Studies by renowned universities corroborate the effectiveness of the caries infiltration principle; independent laboratory studies have been conducted since back in 2000.
Although Icon first became available to dentists in April 2009, the practical use of the product had been tested in clinical trials on patients for more than two years beforehand. The effect had been proven during this period. The findings also indicate very optimistic prospects for long-term caries prevention.
These tests were carried out in numerous countries. Trials were launched in countries such as Greenland and Columbia amongst others.
The particularly high caries rates in the populations tested indicate that Icon works particularly well in countries with good oral hygiene conditions (e.g. Germany).
The findings from these trials indicate that onset caries can be halted for an extended period using Icon.